Code of Conduct


The following is merely a summary of section 11 of our User Agreement of what behaviour and content we do not allow on any of our Games and does not accurately or entirely represent the legally binding contract of which you are bound when you use our Services. We recommend that you read through our User Agreement as your continued use of this site and our Services constitutes your acceptance and binds you legally regardless of if you read it or not.

You are responsible for your own actions, content and comments you make in-game or on other community platforms.


Though this is not specifically a part of our rules regarding conduct, it is a very important part of our User Agreement so we feel the need to reiterate its importance.

→ To use Reach of the River, you must, regardless of what country you live in, be 13 years of age or over.

→ Because of the content and language used and allowed in RotR, we regard the age of 15 as an appropriate baseline age for our content. RotR was made by and for adults, and children are not its intended audience.

→ In addition, if you live in one of the countries listed below, you must be at least as old as the age listed next to your country.

→ If you are over 13 but under 18 years of age OR are considered a minor in your country, you must have your use of Reach of the River approved by your parent or legal guardian. In this situation, your parent or legal guardian will be responsible for your actions and they will be legally bound to our User Agreement. Please have them read over our User Agreement with you. If they do not agree to the User Agreement and do not give you explicit permission to use Reach of the River, you legally cannot use Reach of the River.

Please carefully read the list below. If the country you live in is listed, you must be the indicated age or older to use Reach of the River. Your parent or legal guardian can not allow you to use Reach of the River if you are under such age:

• Austria, Republic of Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Sweden : 14
• France: 15
• Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland : 16
• Anywhere not listed (except Korea) : 13

Illegal Behaviour & Content

Respect your local laws. When deemed necessary, we may take legal action against you or report you to law enforcement authorities.


→ Partake in, endorse, or share content that depicts or details illegal activities within your or North-American jurisdiction.

→ Share content that contains or appears to contain fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive information or materials.

→ Attempt to spread or spread malware, viruses, Trojans, worms, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other malicious programs or similar computer code designed to negatively affect the operation of any computer hardware, software or network.

→ Stalk, dox, threaten violence against, sexually or morally harass or endanger yourself or others (this includes endangering minors in any way or sharing personally identifiable information like last names, phone numbers, home addresses, etc).

→ Bypass or attempt to bypass any security or technical measures or attempt to access a part of the Game where you do not have the authority to do so. This includes trying to circumvent disciplinary actions (for example, creating multiple accounts with the intention to bypass a ban or mute).

→ Interfere with the operability of the Game or our Services in any way, for example, through DDoS attacks.

→ Violate the right of Blackminnow or any Third-party. This includes creating or using content that violates any rights, such as using copyrighted content in any relation to the Game or modifying in-game trademarks or credits.


We have a Zero-Tolerance attitude towards bullying, harassment, intimidation and the general proliferation of hate or the intentional attempt to interfere with a reasonable person's enjoyment of the Game.


→ Create or share disciminatory, obscene or disruptive content. This includes, but is not limited to: comments, symbols, terms and imagery (e.g., racial or ethnic slurs, antisemitic symbols, etc).

→ Organize or express the membership of or support of any groups or pledges that promote or support hatred or discrimination in any way.

→ Disrespect or ignore the directions of any Reach of the River staff member or Blackminnow employee. We ask that you do not bother or otherwise try to gain the attention of any Reach of the River game developer. Developers can not answer moderation questions or respond to reports.

Disagreeing with someone's opinion isn't an excuse to respond with anger and toxicity. Healthy debates are respected but non-constructive arguments or very heated debates will be halted.

At this point in time (i.e., subject to change if we deem it necessary for the community's well-being), discussing world politics and/or religion isn't directly against any of our rules, but it is heavily discouraged from being discussed in very public places like our official Discord server or in-game local or map chat.

When anyone asks for a topic to be dropped, we ask that you respect their wishes, regardless of if they are not a staff member.

Bad Language

You are allowed to cuss, swear and use general bad language in moderation, however,


→ Use bad language toward any other user.

→ Use slurs, very sexual language or excessively offensive language.

→ Purposely find or use loopholes around chat word filters or blocks.

Sensitive Content

We do not allow conversations, content or media (artwork, literature, photographs, memes, etc) that contains content that falls into or references the following categories:

→ Pornography or photographic nudity of any kind, even if not sexual.

→ Generally sexual in nature or depicts (artistic depictions are included) sexual anatomy.

→ Real-world gore or real-world extreme violence in any capacity.
→ Photographs of legal recreational drugs or recreational drug use.


Be yourself! Don't impersonate anyone. Impersonation includes speaking with an official voice, implying or acting like you are an employee of Blackminnow, a game moderator or have any other kind of authority when you do not.

Cheating, Griefing, Modifying and Hacking

Unless a Blackminnow employee expressly gives you the written permission to do so,


→ Abuse exploits, glitches or bugs.

→ Engage in or promote any kind of activity that grants anyone with an unfair advantage over another.

→ Use Third-party programs, tools or code that automates actions (bots), alters or exploits game balance or mechanics, gives anyone any unintended or unnatural advantage over another user, or reads or alters any part of Reach of the River's associated memory or code.

→ Modify, copy, reproduce, disassemble, reverse engineer, monitor or decompile any part of Reach of the River or Blackminnow's content.


The following section is an addition to and make part of our User Agreement that governs your use of Reach of the River. These terms only apply to users of the Reach of the River Game or content or platforms that are in relation to Reach of the River (e.g., our official Discord server).

Staff & Moderation

Follow the instructions of and be respectful to any authorized personnel (game and community moderators, community managers, developers). Staff are here to help provide a safe space for everyone. It's impossible for us to please everyone, but we take community feedback very seriously. If you genuinely disagree with a decision that we have made, please make an effort to criticize constructively; there is a way to voice frustration without being rude.

If you're concerned about the behavior of a specific staff member, please contact an admin privately or email

We don't allow the public debate or discussion of any corrective measures taken against you or any other user, both for the well being of the community and for the privacy and safety of any and all users involved

Censoring Sensitive Content

We ask that caution and appropriate warning, censors or spoilers (the act of intentionally hiding content in a manner that allows the recipient to consent to viewing it only if they so choose. For example, Discord allows the usage of Spoiler Tags. More information about Spoiler Tags can be viewed here) are given prior to depicting potentially sensitive content that may not fall into the prohibited categories detailed under the "Sensitive Content" section, above.

→If the content might be sensitive and cannot be spoilered, avoid sharing it.

→ Everyone has individual boundaries that should be treated with respect and empathy, if a user requests that something be spoilered for their or someone else's wellbeing, we ask that it is respected.

→In addition, an owner of any in-game Clan that might discuss, partake in roleplay or host roleplay containing sensitive subjects must ensure that the "May Contain Sensitive Content" check-box located within the overview tab of the in-game Clan window is checked ON.

Categories that might be considered sensitive and may require spoilers include (but is not limited to):

• Firearms.
• Mentions of recreational drug use.
• Artistic or fictional gore.
• Fictional extreme religion or cult-like systems.
• Flashing imagery that may cause harm or distress to photo-senstive users.


The following is merely a summary of section 15.2 of our User Agreement of what corrective actions may be taken against you when you violate a rule and does not accurately or entirely represent the legally binding contract of which you are bound when you use our Services. We recommend that you read through our User Agreement as your continued use of this site and our Services constitutes your acceptance and binds you legally regardless of if you read it or not.

We and the Reach of the River moderation team reserve the right to impose sanctions or disciplinary actions upon you and/or your Account at any time, with or without notice, when you break a rule or any term of our User Agreement.

Disciplinary actions may include the following, in order from the least severe to the most severe:

i. We give you a warning in regards to a minor infraction and when applicable and on a per-account and per-service or per-platform basis, grant you a Strike. Strikes expire or become inactive after three months after the date they were given, but are never removed from your Account's history.

ii. We temporarily restrict your use of our Services. Typically, the restriction involves temporarily preventing your use of social features, like chats (a "mute").

iii. We modify or remove your User Content and/or data.

iv. We temporarily prevent you from using or accessing your Account(s) (a "temporary ban").

v. We revoke your use of or access to your Account(s) indefinitely (a "ban" or "permanent ban").

Three-Strike Rule

In addition, when a Strike is added to your Account, depending on the total number of active or non-expired Strikes on your Account, our systems may take automatic disciplinary actions against you and/or your Account. Inactive Strikes do not influence this automatic action. Such automatic actions and their corresponding number of active Strikes are as follows:

i. Three (3) Strikes: you are muted or temporarily banned for 24 hours.

ii. Six (6) Strikes: you are temporarily banned for 168 hours (7 days).

iii. Nine (9) Strikes: you are temporarily banned for 720 hours (30 days)

iv. Twelve (12) Strikes: you are permanently banned.

You can request to view your Strike history and active Strikes at any time by emailing us at


You have the right to appeal any corrective measures. Mistakes happen. When we mess up, let us know. To do so, please email with "Appeal" somewhere in your subject line.

We don't allow the public debate or discussion of any corrective measures taken against you or any other user, both for the well being of the community and for the privacy and safety of any and all users involved